Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thursday, April 10

Reading: Matthew 21:1-11

"Most of the crowd spread their garments on the road."
 Matthew 21:8

The worn, rutted footpaths and roads in Israel were rocky and treacherous, and it was customary for townspeople to "prepare the way" when someone important was approaching, making the ruts level and removing rocks. It was also customary to lay down one's cloak, the outer garment, before a king, as the servants of Ahab did before Jehu in 2 Kings 9:13. What kind of king were the people expecting? What kind of ruler were they hoping for? One who would "smite the world perfect", as Dorothy Sayers wrote? Since we cannot know the thoughts and motivations of the 1st c. Judaeans along the road to Jerusalem, perhaps we should at least return to our own 21st century lives and ask, how do we prepare the way for the coming of Christ into the Jerusalem of our hearts?

            Then cleansed be every life from sin,
            Make straight the way for God within,
            And let us all our hearts prepare
            For Christ to come and enter there. Amen
                                    (Charles Coffin, "On Jordan's Banks")

  • Make a drawing, painting, or poem in your journal.

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