Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tuesday, March 18

Reading: John 3:1-17

 “What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is spirit.”  John 3:6

Life in Christ is a journey into transformation, into newness. It asks for the giving up of things of the flesh, that is, self-centered, self-absorbed, worldly gain, the incurvatus in se, being turned in toward self, that Luther calls sin. We would often rather, like Jonah, sell our donkey, so we don’t have to take this journey, but Christ is whispering in our ear “I am yours” awaiting our “I am yours.” And when the two come together – fire! wind!

Abba Joseph, a desert father, was approached by Abba Lot, who informed him that he had kept his rule of prayer, fasted, purified his thoughts, and lived peaceably – what more could he do? Abba Joseph held out his hands toward heaven, fingers extended, and said, “You can become fire.” Each fingertip blazed like a candle.

May we become fire, O God, and live as your light in the world. Amen

  • Give something up – a bad habit, a grudge, despair …

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